BJP pays glowing tributes to Sher-e-Duggar on his 135th birth anniversary

BJP leaders garlanding the statue of Pt Prem Nath Dogra at Dogra Chowk Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
BJP leaders garlanding the statue of Pt Prem Nath Dogra at Dogra Chowk Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 24: Glowing tributes were paid by State Bharatiya Janata Party, (BJP) to Sher-e-Duggar, Pt. Prem Nath Dogra, on his 135th birth anniversary today.
In this connection a grand function was organised at Pt Prem Nath Dogra Chowk here and party leaders garlanded his statue and performed Yajana”.

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MP, Lok Sabha, Jugal Kishore Sharma, former Ministers, Sat Sharma and Priya Sethi, MLA, Rajesh Gupta, senior leader and MLC, Ashok Khajuria, Parmod Kapahi, Yudhvir Sethi, Aseem Gupta, Sanjay Baru, Rajinder Sharma, Ajay Pargal, Dr. Pardeep Mahotra, Praduman Singh, Baldev Singh Billawaria, Ayodhya Gupta, Vinay Gupta, Chandar Mohan Sharma, Surinder Sharma, Bharat Bhushan, Narottam Sharma, Jaideep Sharma, Govind Sareen, Jeet Angral, Harbans Choudhary, Dinesh Gupta, Ankush Gupta, Gopal Gupta were the prominent leaders along with large number of party activists who paid tributes to the great son of soil.
While remembering the services of Pandit Ji, for the society and the nation, Jugal Kishore Sharma said that born on October’ 24, 1884, Pandit Ji dedicated his whole life for the masses. He said that Pandit Ji always worked for uplifting the socio-economic status of downtrodden. He said that popularly known as “Sher-e-Duggar” he was instrumental in forming “Praja Parishad” along with other stalwarts like Balraj Mdhok. He said that Pandit Ji laid the strong foundation of today’s BJP as the president of “Bharatiya Jana Sangha”.
Sat Sharma, in his address, said that Pandit Ji besides being a noble soul played a major role for the unification of State of Jammu & Kashmir with the rest of the India. He said that Pandit Ji was instrumental in leading the agitation for the pride of common masses,— the “Praja Parishad agitation” which ultimately proved to be a success with popular slogan of “Ek Vidhan, Ek Nishan, Ek Pradhan” and the BJP today is following the same principle under the leadership of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
Ashok Khajuria, in his address, appealed the party workers to work dedicatedly for ensuring the reach of party principles to every household of the region. He said that we must follow the principle of Pt. Ji, who was equally respected by his politically opponents as well.
Rajesh Gupta said that the role and sacrifices of this soil must be recognized by the people from all walks of life. He prompted every senior person to tell the tales of the local heroes to the future generation, to pass on the great legacy.
District Jammu, general secretary, Vinay Gupta conducted the proceedings. The glowing tributes were also paid to Sher-e-Duggar at separate functions held at all district headquarters of Jammu by the Party.
Member Legislative Assembly, C P Ganga today exhorted upon all to follow the high morality and standards of workmanship of Dogra legend and great patriot Late Pt Prem Nath Dogra terming it as the most appropriate tribute to Sher-e-Duggar.
The MLA, while paying tributes to the Dogra legend on the occasion of his 135th birth anniversary during a grand function organized by BJYM Baribrahamana, said Pandit Prem Nath Dogra was a great patriot and had unflinching faith in the country’s unity and was opposed to any kind of division or differential treatment to Kashmir.