Cong biggest political party but has no rules: Rahul

JAIPUR, Jan 20:
Elevated to second-in-command in Congress, an emotional Rahul Gandhi today said that the party “is now my life” and dedicated himself to taking everyone along while promising to “bring changes fast”.
A day after being made the Vice President of the party, he also pledged to treat all the party leaders — young, experienced or women — equally and listen to “everybody”.
In a highly emotional 40-minute speech, Rahul revealed that his mother and Congress President Sonia Gandhi came to his room last night and cried because she knew power is poison.
“She cried because she understands that the power so many people seek is actually a poison…because she is not attached to it,” he said adding one should not chaser power for its attributes but only to empower the poor.
Playing the ‘angry young man’ again to the thunderous applause of the gathering, Rahul said Congress is the biggest political organisation in the world, but it has no rules.
“Rules don’t work here. Perhaps not a single rule is followed. Rules are made but ignored. Nobody actually knows what the rule is. It’s an interesting organisation. I wonder how it runs. There is need for rules and regulations,” he said in a speech for which he was given a standing ovation from the gathering that included, Gandhi, Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, Union Ministers and top party leaders.
Rahul said he will seek knowledge from senior leaders of the party and will take their voice forward.
Underscoring the need for change in the party’s functioning Gandhi said, “there is a need to bring changes fast but only after due consideration and taking everybody along.”
With the new responsibility entrusted to him, Rahul said “the Congress party is now my life and people of India are my life.”
“I will fight for the people of India and for this party. I will fight with everything I have. I invite all of you to stand up and take on this fight,” he said.
Promising to take all partymen along, Rahul said “now I am Vice President of the Congress party. You should not feel that Rahul talks only about the youth. Rahul’s family now includes all Congress, Youth Congress, Mahila Congress.
“From today Rahul Gandhi will work for all. I want to promise that I will treat all of you equally, be it young leaders, experienced leaders, women. I will listen to everybody.”
He also spoke of the anger of the youth saying they feel alienated from the political class and demanded a complete transformation of the system to give them a role in the political space.
Echoing the concerns expressed by his mother to the conclave on Friday in which she underscored the need to respond to the “more aspirational and more impatient” youth and urban middle classes, Rahul posed a question: “Why are the youth angry.”
“They are angry because they are alienated from the political class. They watch from the sidelines as the powerful drive in lal battis (cars with red beacon). We need to meet their urgent demands of jobs,” he said.
Rahul said only a handful of people control the political space and power is highly centralised. “We don’t empower people at the bottom. People feel they are outside of the system. That happens because we don’t respect knowledge. We respect only positions. If you don’t have position, you mean nothing.
“Why people are angry. Because they are alienated from the system. Their voices are trampled upon. All our systems — justice, education, political, administration — are designed to keep people with knowledge out. Mediocrity dominates discussions,” Rahul said in his 40-minute speech that was repeatedly cheered by party leaders.
In her opening speech to the AICC, Gandhi targeted youth, women and middle class in the party’s quest for widening its base ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.
She also made some plain speaking to her partymen saying they should not indulge in nepotism and should show unity to face the challenge of elections which are 15 months away.
She said party leaders should work for the welfare of all and not restrict themselves to their “favourites”.
“I am sure if we make the right efforts with unity, there is no doubt in my mind why we will not get the mandate again,” she said.
Winding up the day-long session, she said she was happy over the frank discussions that took place over the past three days and said if they work on that, they could be no obstacles in their path to success in the 2014 general elections.
Prime Minister Singh frankly admitted in his speech that inflation was one shortcoming in the UPA Government’s record and said solid steps would be taken to curb it.
Following up on Gandhi’s attempts to expand the party base ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the Jaipur declaration of the Congress today spoke of the rising educated and aspirational middle class and promised to create new opportunities for their advancement.
The 13-page 56 point Jaipur declaration committed itself to representing India’s ‘middle ground’ of speaking for its vast majority and fighting against fringe elements that foster divisive and destructive ideologies.
“The Congress party is the party that is committed to science, modern technology, inclusive innovation and job creating growth for the youth of India.
“The Indian National Congress commits to strengthening its support base—identifying its natural supporters, retaining the support of these sections that are with the Congress and winning over those sections that have drifted away,” the declaration said. (PTI)