Pre-budget discussion with farmers now permanent feature: Rather

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 21: Unders coring the significant importance of agriculture in the overall socio-economic emancipation of the State, the Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs, Abdul Rahim Rather today urged the need for introduction of modern farming techniques and latest agriculture research besides ensuring timely availability of quality agriculture inputs for enhancing agriculture production and productivity in a big way.
Speaking at a pre-budget discussion with the representatives of progressive farmers, on the 3rd consecutive day at Jammu, Mr. Rather said that owing to the primary role of agriculture sector in bringing economic prosperity and employment generation, the State Government has made almost entire agriculture sector tax free, with the main objective to make the farming an attractive viable and gainful activity.
He said the process of pre-budget discussions with the progressive farmers has been initiated by him to give vent to their feelings through interactions in presence of the higher authorities associated with budget formulation exercise, so that their genuine and fruitful suggestion could be incorporated in the budget proposals.
Mr. Rather said inputs provided by the representatives of farming community in previous budget meetings have proved very fruitful and now hardly any activity under agriculture and allied sectors is now left without the benefit of various incentives including tax concession. He said availability of hybrid seeds and adequate irrigation facilities to the fruit growers and agriculturist is main focus of the Government.
The progressive farmers, while extending gratitude to the Finance Minister, for providing liberal and whole hearted tax concessions on agriculture inputs and implements, sought further tax relief on Oil seeds, export of honey, power tillers and fertilizers especially on DAP.
They also sought implementation of crop insurance scheme fully besides provision of free medicines for cattle. They also demanded to levy toll tax on import of artificial flowers to promote local floriculture in the State. They lauded the Government for implementing Centrally Sponsored Saffron Mission and Basmati Mission in the State hoping that such type of revolutionary measures will go a long way in bringing both qualitative and quantitative improvements in the agriculture and allied sectors.
Apart from heads of various departments, including Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Floriculture, Sericulture, Fisheries, about 35 progressive farmers associated with different agriculture activities and MLC Jahangir Mir presented their suggestion for promotion of the respective agriculture activities.