Jammu boy Jasvir addresses 9th Indian Student Parliament

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 27: NSS Volunteer and National Awardee of Jammu and Kashmir, Jasvir Singh, who has done his Masters in Political Science from the University of Jammu, has participated in 9th Indian Student Parliament at MIT College, World Peace University, Pune.
He addressed a huge gathering of thousands of young students from across the country as Student Speaker from Jammu and Kashmir.
In 2017, Govt of India honoured Jasvir with NSS National Award for his outstanding services to Community Development and later represented India in South Korea as youth delegate last year as well.
He regularly participates in social welfare activities including mass awareness campaigns (Cleanliness, Polio, TB, AIDS, Blood Donations) etc, besides plantation drives in different parts of the State.