Education in crisis

Mohit K Anand
The brutal attack on the convoy of security forces by a vehicle-borne suicide bomber at Lethpora in the Pulwama district left 40 CRPF personnel martyred. This attack led to a nation-wide reaction against terrorism and Pakistan based terror groups. A similar reaction was seen in Jammu where a one day bandh was called in favor of condemning the attack. However this peaceful agitation turned violent which led to the imposition of curfew in the whole city for almost a week. Without going into much detail of the problems faced by the common people during the curfew, let me come to the point I want to make.
During the whole phase of curfew and even after its revocation, the educational institutions in the Jammu city remained closed for few days. Criticism of terrorism and giving befitting reply to Pakistan dominated the popular discourse. People from all walks of life severely criticized the terrorist groups and pressurized the Central Government to take concrete measures to curb the growing terrorist activities in the valley. In this hue and cry, which is indeed genuine, the one aspect which suffered the most is the education of the students. Apart from suffering, education is, in fact, ignored during the time of disturbed situations. Students not only face academic loss due to this but psychological loss as well which is immeasurable. Rescheduling of examinations, disruption in normal academic classes and tense environment negatively affect the psyche of the students. They start losing interest in studies which can adversely affect their future prospects. However, this is the case of just a couple of weeks and the situation eventually normalized in the city.
This case throws light on a more complex situation in the conflict ridden Kashmir valley where strikes and curfews are regular phenomenon. One can easily imagine the plight of common masses and especially the students who are totally uncertain regarding their studies and career. Due to frequent terror attacks, the situation in the valley remains tense throughout the year. Apart from other effects, students suffer the most, both academically and mentally. A rush of Kashmiris in the areas of Jammu can be attributed to the tense situation in valley over the past years.
A similar situation, but in a mild form, exists along the border areas of the state where frequent ceasefire violations occur from across the border. These violations are almost regular along the Line of Control and occasional along the International Border. Disturbances along the border force people to flee those areas temporarily and settle in camps arranged by the Government. In these areas also, during the time of disturbance, schools remain closed and the education suffers.
The three situations mentioned above have two things in the common- frequent conflict and adverse effect on education. It is in fact surprising that no one talks about the education of the students which receives the greatest set back due to conflict. Sometimes mass promotions are given to students in the next class without considering the qualitative loss of studies. This must be kept in mind that the primary task of education is not only to obtain degrees or get jobs, but to become a learned and responsible citizen of the country. When one is not educated properly, self-confidence takes a back seat and people often develop inferiority complex. Children, who are in the formative stages of their lives, when witness disturbed environment, they feel insecure and threatened. When education gets disturbed, every aspect of one’s life gets affected adversely.
It is thus for the Government and the society at large to take care of the education, which is a basic human right, of the students in the disturbed areas and provide them secure and conducive environment so that they can get the best out of themselves. Conflict and disturbance can never be the solutions. Peace is the only and the ultimate one.
(The author is a M. Phil Scholar, Department of Sociology, JU)