Omar targets PDP, BJP for worsening situation in Kashmir

NC Vice President Omar Abdullah addressing a massive rally at Kwaja Bagh in Baramulla on Tuesday.
NC Vice President Omar Abdullah addressing a massive rally at Kwaja Bagh in Baramulla on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Mar 26: The National Conference vice president and former Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, today asserted that what good was achieved in his stint as Chief Minister was put into an abyss by the former PDP-BJP coalition Government in the State saying that the state of affairs of the country too bore the brunt of the imprudent policies of the Modi led BJP Government.
Addressing a public meeting at Kwaja Bagh, Baramulla, Omar said that during his tenure as Chief Minister there was a marked difference in the security scenario of the State. “However what good was accomplished in State suffered a setback during the reign of former BJP-PDP Government”, he said.

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“It takes two hours to reach the destinations as highways are often been closed and vehicles are not being allowed to move forward. I remember when we were in the power, there used to be forces who were stopping vehicles forcefully with sticks and guns but we approached the Core Commanders and asked them to stop this thing as it hurts the emotions of the people. The situation was better till 2014 but today one can see forces with guns at every corner who stop the vehicles. That is why I am asking to chose Akbar Lone as representative who will work to save the special status of the State”, the NC president said.
“The State has been pushed back in every sector including economically, security related, special status, identity and employment. Today in this election irrespective of India and Pakistan friendship, animosity is being talked. I have seen this first time that in Pakistan High Commission at Delhi, people were being stopped to celebrate Pakistan Day there. The efforts were to increase the tensions between two countries and when situation worsens, it’s the people of the State who have to face the consequences”, he said.
Omar flayed Mehbooba for her claims of protecting the special status of the State. He said that she was not able to save flag of the State, how will she save the special status. She removed the order that on every Government building, there should be flag of the State.
“How can PDP and its president save the special status of State? Look at her five years of stint in power. The GST bill we have been resisting was implanted by her only. The new tax regime has affected hoteliers, taxi drivers, craftsmen, edibles, books and other marginal traders. We have cautioned her about the implementation of GST but she didn’t heed our pleas. There has been steep increase in the price of cooking gas cylinders; poor families find it very difficult to refill their cooking gas cylinders. How can PDP protect our special status, it was PDP that destroyed the financial autonomy of our State?”, he asked.
“Do we want such people in power who intimidate us; do we want such people in power those who couldn’t represent; our aspirations; do we want such people again in power who couldn’t protect the sanctity of our state flag, it was in her tenure that an order was passed to hoist state flag on government building. However the order was repealed by her in just two days following the issuance of order,” he said.
Without naming the PDP MPs, Omar said that they were given opportunity in the Parliament to speak but they kept mum. “We saw the Members of Parliament who were given opportunity to speak in the Parliament but they said nothing there but we have fielded the candidate I am sure that they will raise their voice there and work for the betterment of the people”, Omar said.
“We don’t ask votes on religious, ethnic considerations, our candidate for Baramulla Muhammad Akbar lone is the most appropriate candidate for Baramulla constituency, who will no stone unturned to raises issues concerning our state. No it is imperative for all of us to send him to parliament with a resounding victory, with a huge margin. It is he who will fight for our special status and other interests of state”, Omar said.