Trust Based Health Insurance Model

Health and Medical Education Department of the State has been found impassively lethargic in proceeding with ‘Trust Based health Insurance Model’ even though the same is approved by the State Administrative Council headed by Governor Satya Pal Malik more than two months back. The present status and the fate of the new model in respect of which stage it has reached is not known.
We do not pronounce a period of two months to be adequately ‘reasonable’ for the concerned Department looking to the conventionally set avoidable benchmarks in the State but at least, some preliminary preparations should have been noticeably taken in the absence of which, the State employees are nursing resentment. It is more on account of the rescinding of the old system while nothing positive is heard about the new one. The issue needs to be looked at in the light of scrapping of previous Medical Claim Policy wherein the decision to dispense with the practice of the insurer and the intermediary was taken. Everyone knows about the developments post scrapping the old policy and constituting of a committee of officers by the Governor to find out whether the Insurance scheme could be operated through Third Party Administrator (TPA). After examining different options, choice felt on ‘Trust Model’ which was, therefore, decided to be implemented for the State employees across the State since the ‘Model’ had comparatively added advantages. We would, as such, only hope that the procedures and formalities were expeditiously attended to at the levels of the Health and Medical Education Department so as to have the new ‘Trust Model’ made operative at the earliest.