Parul University organizes “Explore 2019”

Participating management students taking selfie during ‘Explore 2019’ event.
Participating management students taking selfie during ‘Explore 2019’ event.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 9: Acting in line with their “Leaders Of Tomorrow” agenda for creating capable social and economic leaders towards development of the nation, the Faculty of Management Studies under the city based Parul University, were once again successful in organising “Explore 2019”, a Management based platform for imparting leadership skills within the minds of the prospective managers.
The MBA faculties and students harmoniously put together enlightening, cultural sharing and talent enhancing symposium. The platform also brought together a distinguished panel of business experts, in academics, management along with notable entrepreneurs with a national standing.
With over 800 students taking keen participation in this elite symposium, “Explore 2019” successfully explored the depths of student innovation, talent and creativity. This was done through a blend of strategically designed competitions and challenges, testing the students’ confidence, teamwork skills, presentation abilities, innovative business along with their leadership skills.
From the date of its inception in 2017, this gathering has provided to the students of Parul University, a unique platform of individual and cultural expression through various fields extra and co-curricular activities ranging from creative arts, literature, dramatics, music and business entrepreneurship challenges. Paying particular attention to the business proposal challenge, the students were exposed to this highly critical competition, focusing on their ability to coin a social based and industry forward business plan for national development.
Enhancing the leadership attributes within the Management students has been one of the cornerstone functions of Parul University’s BBA and MBA Institute.
“Our commitment towards student development goes beyond the classroom. As Parul University we believe that conventional ways of student development do not work when it comes to intrinsic practical attributes such as leadership, therefore, student based initiatives such as explore come in to bridge the gap by promoting capable economic leaders within our nation” said Dr Devanshu Patel during the inaugural ceremony of the event”.
Dr Bijal Zaveri, the University’s Dean Of Management also expressed that the students’ organisational efforts have made this event to be a success, already showing the leadership abilities within them. “So our goal to only create managing leaders through participation, but also through organising, I believe such continuous steps will guarantee an elite workforce for the business market,” he added.