SRO-349 appointees ornament pieces in various departments

* Establishment of coaching centres need of hour
Rajesh Dhar
JAMMU, Feb 20: The outstanding sportspersons who have been appointed in various departments of the State, under SRO-49 with a purpose to promote sports in the State simply remain ornament pieces rather frill attached to their offices or institutions in the scheme of things in Jammu and Kashmir.
According to reliable sources, the Government of Jammu and Kashmir with an objective to promote sports and games in the State, appoints 25 sportspersons under SRO-349 every year, but instead of utilizing their services up to the optimum level, these employees remain indulged in solving their own problems rather than producing good stuff in the prevailing system in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
With the appointment of 125 candidates under SRO-349 in last five years, one has yet to witness any player been produced by these officials to represent the State at the national scene and not to talk of the International one.
Further, none of these officials, barring some exceptional cases, has shone in his sports discipline after getting the job.
Sources said that in very few cases it may be the fault of these employees, otherwise, it is the various departments which leave them in the lurch rather than utilizing their services and help them harness their knowledge, they make them busy in solving their own issues.
“I was hired by the Federation of India to be part of India Camp in my sports discipline. I participated in the event with enthusiasm and valour. However, when I came back, I expected felicitation by my department, but instead of that I was served an explanation as to why I had joined the Camp. The incident dejected me and forced me to lose interest in the game. In such an atmosphere, how can you expect promotion of sports in the State,” said SRO-349 appointee while talking to EXCELSIOR and expressing anonymity.
Sources said that there is another SRO with regard to sanctioning of Special Casual Leave to outstanding sportspersons when they are engaged as coaches or players by any recognized association, institution or federation, adding that the same has hardly been implemented in letter and spirit in our State.
“The sorry state of affairs is that when there should have been separate coaching centres to utilize the services of outstanding sportspersons, these appointees are hardly given any coaching assignments in their sports disciplines, helping ‘jack of all trades and master of none’ to rule the roost,” said another SRO-349 appointee while expressing anonymity.
“Moreover, what is disgusting is the fact that the International and the National medalists are in the same league as for as the job status is concerned, which needs amendment,” the appointee added.
It is pertinent to mention here that barring Jammu and Kashmir Police Department, which at least allows outstanding sportspersons to enjoy their game and skill, the other departments have kept them as decoration pieces, serving as a stumbling-block in enhancing the standard of sports in the State.
Experts believe that the need of the hour rather the demand of the situation is to establish more and more coaching centres in the State and utilize the services of all forms of coaches including outstanding sportspersons and award and reward them as per their result.