Ambitious ‘Back to Village’ Programme

Any Government in India whether at the Centre or in the States embarking upon addressing rural issues and focussing on faster services delivery mechanism in villages can be termed as aiming at much needed ameliorating the conditions of our villages and the inhabitants . Governor Satya Pal Malik has devised the concept of ‘District Secretaries and Back to the Villages Programme’ to give fillip to developmental plans and redressing of public grievances in the villages. It is a welcome step that this programme was going to be launched soon , say between June 20 and 27 covering all 4500 Panchayats.
We have very often been highlighting the woes of people in those areas where a small bridge across a flowing river was incomplete for years together or where project for road connectivity started years back had not completed or where Primary Health Centres lacked basic facilities, or where school children were facing space constraints in the schools etc which the ambitious programme can take care of on the spot in most of the cases. It is a nice administrative step to involve Gazatted officers of the State to assist Panchayats by even staying for a night and two days minimum in the Panchayat allotted for the purpose, thus strengthening the rapport between the Government and the Panchayats and to know the type of powers Panchayats wielded for bringing about development in their areas.
Since for any ambitious programme to be started by the Government, monitoring and controlling processes are side by side playing important role, in the instant programme also we note that General Administration Department and authorities from other departments are proposed to monitor and assess the success of the grand initiative thus lending due importance to the concept of ‘Back to Villages’.