JKAC must take cognizance of omissions, commissions of Advisors: Harsh Dev

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 2:  Former minister and NPP chairman Harsh Dev Singh has said that with bureaucracy having assumed the centre stage in the State, the Advisors seemed to enjoy the authority without any accountability. They have literally lost control over the helm of affairs with administration running in doldrums.
“While the menace of corruption had become rampant in almost all the departments, the sufferings of the masses have soared in the past one year”, Singh rued.
Taking a dig on the Advisors, Harsh Dev regretted that they were functioning as per their own whims and fancies without having any connect with the public at large and their concerns. “Corrupt officers are ruling the roost. Several complaints with evidence filed against them were blatantly ignored and contrarily rewarded with plum postings. Moreover, the promotions are also given to the corrupt officers without following the rules. Undoubtedly, there is a malicious problem in the administrative system which needs to be curbed immediately”, said Harsh.
He further added that the corruption had peaked to all time high with whole sale transfers executed in PHE, PWD, M&RE, Revenue, Forests, RDD, etc. This could only happen when the corrupt officers enjoy the patronage of the Advisors,   Harsh said.
Expressing anguish over the growing discontent and alienation among the people, he said that tall claims of the Governor’s Secretariat for redressal of public grievances with outcome- oriented resolution had proved hoax. The grievance cells both in Jammu and Srinagar have become defunct. The public complaints/grievances, representations and demands are contemptuously thrown in the waste bin, he added.
Singh revealed that the remote and far flung areas were the worst sufferers of the present rule as neither the Advisors had bothered to visit such difficult areas during the past one year nor had the public of the hinterland any access to these Advisors.
Exhorting the J&K Accountability Commission to take serious cognizance of omissions and commissions of Advisors, Harsh Dev Singh said their apathetic attitude towards the public at large had brought disgrace to the Governor’s administration.