
Wednesday July 24-2019

Aries : If you are in the mood to be alone, go ahead and indulge, says Ganesha. No need for friends and no need for music. Rush to the outskirts and mingle with nature. If you deal in money matters, says Ganesha, there may be some money coming your way.

Taurus : You will hear the division bell beckoning you to strike a balance between your personal and professional life. Today is an encouraging day for big business deals and new projects. In the afternoon, you may fall victim to iniquity. Safeguard your money from green-eyed monsters, advises Ganesha.

Gemini : You will keep others under the spell of your magnetic personality, predicts Ganesha. Your long-term goals will start taking shape by the end of the day. You may also expect some good news, generally related to a wedding. You will succeed in all your romantic endeavours.

Cancer : Ganesha reminds you that an auspicious work must begin with you. Fulfil your task first, before em-barking on a helping spree. You will spend the evening in romantic moments with your beloved. It will lighten your mood and give you immense joy.

Leo : You will desire to do some creative work today. You will try to bring your inner creativity to the fore. The matters in which you lag behind people will be brought into focus today. You need to be more active in dealing with these issues to progress in life, says Ganesha.

Virgo : It is quite probable that today will be an action-packed day for you, feels Ganesha. It is going to be a progressive day for your business. Later in the day, you may retreat into your shell, and refuse company.

Libra : Ganesha says you will be more careful about your personal appearance and outward beauty. This is a good time to be cautious in maintaining and perusing personal relationships with other people.

Scorpio : You shall be magical with relationships today. Wave your wand and rebuild bridges, says Ganesha. You might even be involved in some cloak-and-dagger stuff. You are likely to be cavalier and bold in all the moves you make. Ganesha sees you blazing a trail and winning in your path to glory.

Sagittarius : Pack your travel backs; business trip on the cards. Money make the world go around and so it does for you. Consider financial matters as your priority today. In the evening, sit back, relax and bask in the glory of success, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You get up from the bed today with a strong desire to prove your metal to the world, feels Ganesha. Enthusiastic and jovial, you are in your best possible mood. You will seek approval of your family members for actions. The hard work you will do at work will surely get appreciated and rewarded by the end of the day.

Aquarius : You will get success on the platter today. Enjoy the sweet taste of success, says Ganesha. People around you will be pleasantly surprised to see a different side of your personality. Continue to be like this and have a good time while luck favours you, as everyday is not the same say.

Pisces : Today being a slightly risky day for, tread cautiously when it comes to financial dealings. Read the fine print and thoroughly thrash out the nitty-gritty’s of any contracts you commit to. Any mistakes made now could come back later and extract a heavy price. There are also chances of conflict with your partner or spouse. Be on your guard, says Ganesha.