Compensatory afforestation plan

Should not the State Government draw up proper and implementable annual plan to restrict forest land from being diverted for commercial, public utility and residential purposes and strictly go in for massive replenishment drive for saving and preserving forests? It is surprising that the concerned forest authorities of the State Forest Department are found wanting in possessing a zeal and an intent to implementing compensatory afforestation annual plan and especially when there was no problem of funds support for the noble drive. Like almost on every important parameters, the one under reference too, infested with an attitude of total recklessness has been viewed seriously by the CEO of Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA).
Every year, it may be recalled, such plans are formulated to forest those areas which are required for execution of various developmental projects . It is an unavoidable process of a continuing action of maintaining biodiversity and ecological balances, preventing soil erosion and pollution. If seen in a very broader perspective, it also contributed towards preventing global warming . Since roads etc are built with diverted chunks of forest land and vehicles emit lot of harmful gases, afforestation purifies the environment. Our State is in dire need to have massive afforestation drive which the State authorities, particularly from the Forest Department, must look into urgently and fulfil the targets assigned under the annual action plan.