Employment scenario in country

In a country where poverty, hunger and human destitution growth rates more than match the economic growth indices there ought to be something seriously wrong with that country’s economic progression system. It is a matter of serious concern that India’s GDP growth in recent years did not visibly improve the country’s ranking in either the UNDP’s Human Development Index or the Global Hunger Index. Poverty, hunger, unemployment and human destitution in India seem to be growing irrespective of its “impressive” economic growth rates in recent years.
Sadly, some of the latest statements by responsible senior ministers in the union government highlighting economic growth seem to sideline the aspects of India’s poverty, unemployment and hunger. Despite an unprecedented economic depression facing the country since the last quarter of 2018 and massive job losses in the manufacturing sector in the last 11 months, the government seems to be still unconcerned, tomtoming India’s possible six percent GDP growth during this financial year – the highest in any large economy.
Hunger in India is linked mostly with unemployment or extremely low income of high majority of individuals. The unemployment level in India has worsened in recent years. While the government is desperate about selling national industrial assets in the state-owned sector to manage its growing expenditure year after year, there is no investment to create new assets and new job opportunities. India’s own fund-starved private sector is looking to be increasingly slim and trim. Employment levels are continuously shrinking and the cases of starvation rising despite higher economic growth.
Nantoo Banerjee