JTC’s concern over stopping of sugar

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 31: A joint meeting of Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC) and Soan Kashmir Front (SKF) J&K was held here today under the chairmanship of Shadi Lal Pandita, president, JTC/SKF (J&K).
The participants have expressed their grave concern over stopping sugar supplies to the relief holders with monthly ration quota.
Pandita, while addressing the participants has said that for past few months sugar supplies have been stopped to the relief holders, though other items like rice and Atta is being supplied to the consumers as per their ration cards. Pandita said that stopping of sugar supplies has added to the sufferings relief holders.
He demanded early release of Sugar to the relief holders.
Pandita also appealed Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner to personally look into the matter as to why sugar supplies have been stopped to relief holders and ensure early release of the same.
He said that though the Government of India had time and again assured for safe return and permanent rehabilitation of the Kashmiri migrants to Valley but nothing in this direction has been done till date. This seems that the Government in the Centre has been befooling the Kashmiri Pandit migrant community by giving false assurances and commitments.