JDA notice to hotel owner

Excelsior Correspondent
SAMBA, Nov 11: The Jammu Development Authority (JDA) has issued a show -cause notice to the owner of an under construction Five Star Hotel in Samba district for violation of set Government norms and rules and changing the title of the land meant for residential purposes.
According to sources, some local politicians of Vijaypur area also have their stake in the Five Star Hotel who wielding their influence managed to dodge the officials from time to time during the construction. However, JDA early this month has served a show cause notice to the owner of under construction hotel and asked him to explain his position for violating the set Government norms and procedures in constructing the Five Star hotel and changing the title of land thereby.
In the show cause notice the JDA has enjoined upon the owner of the hotel to explain the position within 48 hours from the date of service of the notice as to why the action under rules shouldn’t be taken for violating the official norms for construction of commercial complexes and for conversion of land meant for residential purposes to commercial purposes.
When contacted VC JDA Vikas Sharma told Excelsior that his organization has served a show cause notice to one under construction Hotel for violation of official norms and action under rules will be taken against the defaulter.
The Director Land Management, JDA, Sanjay Gupta while admitting that the show cause notice was served to the owner of the under construction Five Star Hotel in Vijaypur area of Samba district, said the JDA will wait for two to four days more for the reply from the owner of the hotel and in case he failed to reply by that time, the JDA will serve another notice to him before going for other legal action under law.
Gupta said that the land belonged to JDA but in SRO 2021 plan the name of the village under which the land falls was not mentioned. “However after JDA saw the map of the area, it was found that the land falls under the jurisdiction of JDA so we started the legal action against the owner who had manipulated the permission by passing the map through BDO and dodged the lower staff of JDA who from time to time visited the area saying that land does not fall in JDA’s plan,” he added.
He said after getting map passed through concerned BDO the owner built a huge structure on the land which actually belonged to JDA.
He said “after JDA located the land in its map we consulted the legal council and discussed the formalities regarding the legal action against the owner of the under construction hotel who not only manipulated the building permission and passing of the map but has also converted the land meant for residential purposes for commercial purpose”.
Gupta said that JDA will adopt all legal procedures in restoring its land and restricting the owner from going ahead with further construction and in this regard all legal formalities have been given final shape. “We are waiting for the reply to our show cause notice and if it is not received within two to four days we will go ahead with another show cause notice before legal action is taken”.
He said the JDA has filed a Caveat in the State High Court also so that the owner should not get stay without hearing the Development Authority’.
Gupta said the Revenue Department has also been approached to see whether the particular land is meant for residential purpose or commercial. He said JDA will not allow violation of building permissions on its land and it will take strict action against defaulters how influential they may be.