Kashmiri migrants meet CEO, demand issuance of EPIC cards

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 12: A deputation of Kashmiri migrants under the banner of Kashmiri Khatri Hindu Maha Sabha led by its chairman/ president, Er. Ramesh Chander Mahajan called on Chief Electoral Officer J&K at Rail Head Complex here. The deputation submitted a memorandum which include d charter of demands.
It said there is lot of resentment amongst the seven lakh Kashmiri migrants as no member of their community has been considered in council of ministers in previous NC , Congress and then BJP -PDP coalition as had been a precedence since 1947 when the first Government was formed in the State after independence. He said the migrants will not tolerate more injustice now and the community has every right to be part of the Ministry as Kashmiri Hindus who are leading an exiled life for last 30 years now have worked shoulder to shoulder with other leaders of the State and Centre in freedom movement and sacrificed their lives for integrity of the nation. But now it shows that Government is itself interested in alienating them, he added.
He said since 1990 no successive Government has framed any concrete policy to bring normalcy and rehabilitate to migrants in the Kashmir Valley which has gone bad to worse at present. Their rehabilitation with honour and dignity also has remained only a dream, he added.
He urged the Government that the Kashmiri migrants be empowered in economic ,social , political fields and with process of delimitation on anvil five to seven Assembly segments in the Union Territory of J&K Assembly be reserved for them. Besides, reserving one seat each in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha while this one seat of Rajya Sabha has been already kept reserved for minority community since ( 1965 to 1991 in the Valley, he added.
He demanded immediate issuance of EPIC to eligible voters at Migrants Election Office of Shankar building here and all the Zonal Relief camps offices of Jammu , Delhi and other places of the country also appealed to give directions to all concerned district and block level officers of Kashmir Valley for issuance of pending EPIC so that Kashmiri migrants voters can cast their franchise and ensure 100% participation of migrants in coming Assembly elections.