Success of Panchayati Raj

This is in reference to Dr. R. C. Sharma’s article. “Empower Panchayats in J and K UT. “seeking administrative and financial powers. Panchayat is a nonpolitical Community Dev. Institution where Panchs and Sarpanchs are elected on non-party basis. They have powerful link with Govt; Executives through Chairperson of Block Dev. Council with full supervisory powers and participation in planning under Direct Democracy. But the financial powers for utilisations of state and district funds including funds allocated to MLA and MP are under Distt. Dev. Commissionor and his Distt. and Block Officers. Therefore Mantra for success of Panchayati Raj for rural dev. lies in plugging all the holes of corruption made by politicians ,political workers and executives and working dedicately for people with full cooperation with District Administration. If Panchayats shed political connections and honestly get united in close association with Distt. Dev. Commissioner even normal District and State funds for a district can bring a lot of development.
Demand for increased Honourarium of Panchs Sarpanchs and chairperson is genuine.
Dr. Chambail Sabharwal.