Semis line up drawn in Senior Snooker

Saksham Gupta aiming at target during his match at Billiards Hall, MA Stadium Jammu on Saturday. (Excelsior/Rakesh)
Saksham Gupta aiming at target during his match at Billiards Hall, MA Stadium Jammu on Saturday. (Excelsior/Rakesh)

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 28: Semis line up has been drawn in the ongoing Senior Snooker, being played at Billiards Hall, MA Stadium, here today.
The cueists, who entered into the semis by outplaying their rivals, were Younis Kuchey, Vidit Gawri, Abhishek Pathania and Saksham Gupta.
In the first quarterfinal match, Younis Kuchey defeated Himayun by 3-2 frames, whereas in the second quarterfinal match, Vidit Gawri registered win over Rahil Bhat by 3-2 frames.
Abhishek Pathania defeated Adnan Lone by 3-0 frames in the third quarterfinal match and Saksham Gupta registered win over Ishuk Choudhary by straight 3-0 frames.