
Saturday Jan 04-2020

Aries : You are in high spirits today. This is a good time to do all those things that you have been procrastinating for a long time. You may do all the things you dislike doing, like arranging your wardrobe. If you are planning to introduce a new strategy, Ganesha says go ahead.

Taurus : This day you could be wasting you time and energy in thankless activities. You are not likely to get the result s you seek, says Ganesha. This is mainly because you will be trying to play the good guy and going out of your way to make everyone happy at the same time. That is not likely to happen. You should not waste time and energy and, instead, concentrate on doing things that are useful and beneficial for you.

Gemini : You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the decisions you take today, as well as proceed on all matters with caution. You will attempt to dispose off matters casually today. You will worry more about your own interests in the later half of the day. You need to stop worrying about others and secure your own interests first, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha reminds you that an auspicious work must begin with you. Fulfil your task first, before em-barking on a helping spree. You will spend the evening in romantic moments with your beloved. It will lighten your mood and give you immense joy.

Leo : You will open your heart to someone special today, and spill all your hidden desires and feelings. You will say everything you feel truthfully. Your love and attention is likely to be reciprocated. It is a good day, for romance is in the air, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Your courageous nature will impress many people. However, Ganesha warns that something particular could ruin your show. On deep contemplation, you will find a lot of progress in your inner self. In the evening, the antics of your children will put a smile on your face.

Libra : Ganesha says today is a good day for businessmen. Your luck will really favor you today. Your emotions will dull your brainwork today and this will create a problem in your gaining success and moving ahead in life and career. Ganesha says that you should not expect too much or you would feel dejected and disappointed when it is not met.

Scorpio : You share an unspoken bond with your partner; your eyes speak a thousand words even when you do not talk to each other. Your skills and talents at work are likely to grab attention and you may even receive a round of applause for it. Time to bask in the glory of success, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Pack your travel backs; business trip on the cards. Money make the world go around and so it does for you. Consider financial matters as your priority today. In the evening, sit back, relax and bask in the glory of success, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You get up from the bed today with a strong desire to prove your metal to the world, feels Ganesha. Enthusiastic and jovial, you are in your best possible mood. You will seek approval of your family members for actions. The hard work you will do at work will surely get appreciated and rewarded by the end of the day.

Aquarius : You will understand the importance of friends in your life, and you will go an extra mile to get back in touch with them. Your communication skills will help you get through the door at work, and everybody, even your competitors will be appreciate your talents. This skill will work wonders at home, as you will please your sweetheart with your eloquence, feels Ganesha.

Pisces : Today being a slightly risky day for, tread cautiously when it comes to financial dealings. Read the fine print and thoroughly thrash out the nitty-gritty’s of any contracts you commit to. Any mistakes made now could come back later and extract a heavy price. There are also chances of conflict with your partner or spouse. Be on your guard, says Ganesha.