Archery Asso of UT Ladakh formed; soon to form other Associations

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

LEH, Feb 15: After becoming UT Ladakh, the State Archery Association of Ladakh (SAAL) UT Ladakh was formed to make it a first sporting body of Union Territory of Ladakh.
Member of Parliament Jamyang Tsering Namgyal was unanimously elected as the first President of newly formed sports body followed by four Vice President Nawang Rinchen, Mohd Sadiq, Tsewang Gyaltsan, Morup Namgyal, General Secretary Lobzang Sherab, Joint Secretary Tsewang Dorjay, Mohd Ali khan, Phuchok Angchuk and Treasurer Tsewang Dorjay.
MP JTN said that different Archers clubs in Leh and Kargil playing at District level came under one umbrella to form SAAL that will get affiliated with Archery Association of India and recognition will help to get jobs reservation in Archery thus creating employment opportunity to players.
He also added that it will help in promotion of traditional Archery for culture preservation and modern Archery for employment opportunity. He added that this is just beginning for sports promotions in UT Ladakh starting with Archery and soon other sporting body such Cricket and Football Association would be formed in near future.
One of the SAAL member who had been playing Archery for the last six year Tsewang Dorjay Julley said that earlier J&K State Government neglected the Ladakhi players, never shared information regarding Archery events held at State level but now there will be ample opportunities for players to play at different levels.