Give choice of home isolation to Corona infected docs: DAJ

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 7: Doctors Association Jammu (DAJ) has expressed serious concern over increasing number of doctors getting infected with Coronavirus while rendering there selfless services at different health institution and demanded that they may be given choice of home isolation.
President of DAJ, Balvinder Singh urged higher authorities of Health Department to arrange suitable accommodation like Narayana Hospital in Kakrayal or some Government Guest House for isolating symptomatic COVID positive doctors so as to boost the moral of front line warriors.
He further said that the asymptomatic Corona positive doctors should be given the choice of home isolation as they can report to hospitals in case of worsening of symptoms, thereby decreasing the load on COVID hospitals.
In an appeal to the Financial Commissioner Health, Dr Manjeet Singh (general secretary of DAJ) sought proper accommodation for medicos on roster duty in COVID hospitals at peripheral health institutes on the pattern of Jammu.