A barbarian act

The killings of two brothers in Kishtwar town by terrorists outfits has spread a shock wave in the country. This cowardly act by the militants has been widely condemned as it is attack on humanity and co-existence. This incident needs proper probing and monitoring so that suspected militants are identified and prosecuted. The revival of militancy in the town indicates that militant ranks are once again active in the area and there are apprehensions of fresh trouble in future. This kind of selective killings signals that people maintain vigil in and around Jammu Division. The administration have to maintain high alert in the winter in Jammu Division so that militancy is crushed with an iron hand. Jammu Division has remained almost peaceful and some anti-national elements are hell bent upon to disturb it. Kashmir has been suffering for the last three decades due to militancy and our security forces are fighting this battle with all their might. Their sacrifices will not go waste. The nationalistic forces in the country should feel the pulse of the hour and have to work against the forces who are trying to break the country.
S N Raina