Activating mechanism of ‘Swasthya Nidhi’

Jammu and Kashmir is the first among various states and Union Territories to be alert to the need to launch Swasthya Nidhi App for surveillance and pilot project has been successfully concluded by Jammu district administration covering all the hot spots in districts. Now, survey has been simultaneously started in 7 districts to cover the hot spots. Primarily to fighting the epidemic of Corona virus, Swasthya Nidhi COVID-19 is a Health Audit App for cent percent surveillance .
On the other hand, on the front of testing, Jammu and Kashmir has 703 testing rate per million , second highest in India and is bracing up to 1000 tests in four accredited laboratories in the Union Territory, a development worth to cheer up. It is encouraging that this approach has decreased the doubling rate of infections. Since there should be no room for any complacency , what is required is a door to door survey to know the latest status , evolve an action plan under Swasthya Nidhi so that spread of COVID-19 was effectively checked and controlled. We must follow the approach to the entire issue as done by the Government of Goa which despite having got the distinction of being the first state to be declared as Corona virus free, refused to be declared as “Green Zone” and instead has vouched for intensive testing regime to fully rule out any future eruptions of infections.
It may be reiterated that the elusive, mysterious and puzzling nature of the corona virus, any success on any front or in any area or district should not let our guard be lowered for which the Lieutenant Governor has called for devising a working system for comprehensive survey which could be achieved only under a well organised and robust mechanism. Integrated health audit, especially in the context of fighting the dreaded virus, is an effective tool in so far as knowing about the extent of threat prevailing or the same having been contained , could be reliably known which could be possible only by extensive screening. In this context , not only the requisite briefing or training of the personnel was needed but increasing the manpower too so as to form more of such teams to cover more areas in less time as time factor is crucial in fighting this virus. Attention has to be focussed on safety measures of the personnel involved by ensuring fool proof Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) for them being among the front line warriors . Every possible step was needed to rule out any exposure or vulnerability to the virus by them while being active in the field work. In fact, the Lieutenant Governor has laid special emphasis on this vital issue.
What more is needed is wide publicity through print media , electronic and social media and other possible modes . Citizens needed to be motivated and encouraged to download the Aarogya Setu App as also motivating them to take AYUSH immunity boosters for self care during the current crisis of the virus . Self reporting should be encouraged and if possible incentivised. It is commendable that many households are being surveyed on daily basis with proper follow up by the committed teams.
The survey under reference, was going to serve more ends than the one for which it is sought to be undertaken, as it would lead to preparing of a verified and reliable database for future planning in respect of healthcare and welfare measures. For this, the survey should be more informative and comprehensive. Such surveys needed to be repeated and updated for obvious reasons as also health audit undertaken of more areas. Swasthya Nidhi has a varied potential and can, therefore, prove as an ideal platform to reach out to each household in Jammu and Kashmir for necessary information , education and communication.