Advisor reviews developmental scenario in Kupwara

Excelsior Correspondent
KUPWARA, July 18: Advisor to the Governor, K Vijay Kumar today visited the Kupwara district to review the developmental scenario and progress of implementation of various schemes and programmes in key sectors under Centrally sponsored “Aspirational Districts” programme.
The Advisor was accompanied by Chief Secretary, BVR Subrahmanyam, Principal Secretary Planning, Development and Monitoring, Rohit Kansal, ADGP Law & Order Muneer Khan, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Baseer Khan and IGP Kashmir S P Pani.
While taking sector wise review of implementation of all components of developmental projects, K Vijay Kumar stressed upon the concerned to work with sincerity and dedication for the holistic development of the area. He directed the concerned to ramp up the pace of work on the ongoing projects so that the targets are achieved well within stipulated time frame.
The meeting was attended by and IG CRPF Kashmir, Zulfikar Ahmad, DIG North Kashmir Range, Dr Sunil Gupta, District Development Commissioner Kupwara, Khalid Jahangir, SSP Kupwara, ADC Handwara, CPO and other district and sectoral officers.
He emphasized upon strengthening the accountability and transparency in administration besides terming the indices vital for efficient administration.
The Advisor also reviewed the progress of works under “Aspirational Districts” programme wherein he was informed by various heads of departments about the progress of works in their respective areas. He reiterated upon the concerned to work with more diligence so that the district is placed at par with other developing districts of the country on developmental fronts.
Earlier, the DDC briefed the Advisor about the status of various developmental activities being undertaken by different executing agencies. He presented a detailed account of the implementation of various Centrally sponsored and State sector schemes besides highlighting the scale of socio- economic progress of the district.
DDC Kupwara also projected various demands and sought support of the government in carrying out the developmental works in the district.
On the occasion, the Advisor also reviewed the overall law and order situation in the district.