AIKS, JKVM demand exemplary punitive action against perpetrators

Target killings of KPs, PM package employees

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Aug 23: In the light of national outrage and debate created by the recurrent target killings of Kashmiri Pandits and PM package employees, All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS) and Jammu and Kashmir Vichar Manch (JKVM) demanded a time bound exemplary punitive action against the perpetrators of heinous crime against the humanity.
Addressing a press conference, AIKS President Dr Ramesh Raina said Kashmir has been witnessing a series of targeted killings since October last year. Many of the victims were migrant workers or Kashmiri Pandits, he said, adding that seven civilians were killed in five days among them a Kashmiri Pandit, a Sikh and two migrant Hindus then came the gruesome murder of Rahul Bhat a PM package employee which shook the whole displaced community to the core, while the people were still reeling in shock came the news of one more target attack on two brothers from Chotipora Shopian killing Sunil Kumar and injuring Pintu Kumar.
Dr Raina asserted for the need to create a new inclusive narrative that has an adequate space for minorities, a must for the creation of a sense of belonging in them.
Dileep Mattoo while speaking demanded a speedy justice in a time bound manner. He added if concrete and time bound measures are not taken urgently the possibility of yet another migration of these handful Kashmiri Pandits is looming large.
The others speakers included ML Malla, Alka Lahori, Manorama Bakhshi, Sanjay Ganjoo and Roop Krishen Raina.
The members of the AIKS and JKVM demanded engagement of Kashmiri Pandit community representatives to instil the sense of faith and confidence among the hapless people and take PM Package employees into confidence for redressal of their just and legitimate demands.
They also sought an institutional mechanism to coordinate with the Kashmiri Pandit representatives for the effective implementation of their just demands. They requested the administration to initiate a healing touch policy for restoring their faith in the system.