Army commemorates 55th anniversary of Hajipeer Pass capture

Army officers presenting gift to Veer Nari. —Excelsior/Abid Nabi
Army officers presenting gift to Veer Nari. —Excelsior/Abid Nabi

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Aug 31: To commemorate glittering military victory and to honour and re-dedicate the bonds of friendship, Dagger Division of the Army celebrated the 55th anniversary of the capture of Hajipeer Pass by organizing a series of events at its headquarters located in Baramulla town today.
The locals, who mindless of their own safety lent invaluable support to the Indian Army in the 1965 Hajipeer Operation were invited and felicitated by Major General Virendar Vats, GOC 19 Infantry Division in a poignant ceremony at Thimayya Auditorium. The veterans and veer naris were presented with a gift and a framed certificate, recognizing their valour and sacrifice.
The day commenced with a wreath laying ceremony wherein, GOC 19 Infantry Division and other officers laid wreaths at the war memorial, Baramulla to honour the fallen braves of Hajipeer operation.
This was followed by specially made film on the capture of Hajipeer Pass. The highlight of the event was the narration of first hand accounts of the war from few civilians who assisted and stood by our Army during this battle.
The brave young men of 1965, now in their seventies, regaled the august gathering with their tales of valour from days of yore.
After the felicitation ceremony, GOC 19 Infantry Division addressed the gathering. He stressed on the importance of continuation of this spirit, bonding and mutually beneficial relationship.
Later, GOC and the civil administration dignitaries interacted with the civil veterans and veer naris.