Article 370 kept settled issue alive in J&K: SSH

Leaders of Shiv Sena Hindustan at a press conference at Jammu on Monday. — Excelsior / Rakesh
Leaders of Shiv Sena Hindustan at a press conference at Jammu on Monday. — Excelsior / Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 2: Shiv Sena Hindustan (SSH) has strongly advocated for abrogation of Article 35A from the Constitution of India. No one is benefitting from Article 370 or Article 35A – whether they are Hindus or Muslims. It is only vested interests, the elite, who have been benefitted by these provisions, national general secretary, Krishan Sharma said while addressing media persons here, today along with State president, Pt. Rajesh Kesri, Senior vice president Vinay Jalandharia, Satish Mahajan from Punjab and Abdul Khalid Bhat from Kashmir. The so called ‘experts’ are misleading the people by advocating for Article 370, he added.
Sharma requested the media to study this serious issue so that it can be discussed in an informal manner before the public. This issue must be taken up as a campaign by the media, so that public opinion is built to bring justice to the people of J&K, he added.
Blaming Article 370 of the Constitution for creation of a “separatist emotion”, he said the time has come for the people of the State to say goodbye to it as well as Article 35A.Both these Articles, instead of being beneficial to the people of the State, have done a great damage and hampered the progress and development, claimed Sharma. He said the time has come when the people of J&K should say goodbye to Article 370 and ask the Central Government to revoke Article 35A.
He said the prevailing situation in the Valley shows that Article 370 has created a separatist psyche and acts as a breeding ground for separatist emotion,. Industrialists and business houses from outside hesitate to open ventures in the State and as a result, it is facing the crisis of unemployment and migration of skilled and talented youth to the rest of the country, he added. Academicians and experts from the rest of the country are discouraged because of the Article to contribute in the educational growth of the State, he claimed.
He called upon the people of J&K to also look into the utility of Article 35A, claiming it was “most discriminatory” and differentiated between men and women with regard to their rights as citizen of the State.
Sharma slammed Coalition Government for allowing the settlement of over 6,000 Rohingya Muslims in Hindu dominated Jammu region even as they have got the work permits from the Government of India to carry out different jobs in the State.
He asked the State Government to take measures to “stop” the illegal settlement of Bangladeshi Muslims. He said that the Rohingya Muslims started coming to Jammu region over six years back and “over a period of time their number has increased”.