Awareness program on organ donation organized at SCI

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 15: An organ donation awareness program cum pledge drive was organized today at State Cancer Institute (SCI Jammu by the J&K State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO).
The programme was held on the directions of Principal GMC Jammu Dr Ashutosh Gupta to spread information on Cadaveric Organ Donation and to eliminate various myths regarding organ donation from society.
Dr Rajiv Gupta (HoD, Medical Oncology) and Dr Deepak Kumar (Deputy MS, SCI Jammu) encouraged the participants of the programme to come forward to pledge for this noble cause.
Anshu Sharma (Consultant IEC/Media, SOTTO J&K) in her keynote address said that every donated organ is precious, life saving and a national resource. She said that a person after his death can give new life to up to 8 people by donating vital organs like kidney, liver, lung, heart, pancreas and intestine, and improve quality of life of many more by donating tissues like cornea, skin, bone and heart valve etc.
The Program was attended by Surinder Kour (Nursing Supervisor), faculty and staff of the Institution.