Balwant Thakur glorifies Indian theatre on global platform

Excelsior Correspondent
JOHANNESBURG, July 26: Eminent cultural icon of J&K, Balwant Thakur who is currently working as Cultural Diplomat of India to South Africa today addressed on a global platform of Samaantar Intimate Theatre, Allahabad.
Narrating Indian theatre’s position in world perspective, he said that after Greek and Roman theatre the Sanskrit theatre of India was regarded as the ultimate foundation of world theatre. “Bharta’s Natyashastra is a living example for that reason which provided a complete grammar for poetry, visual arts, music, dance, drama and architecture way back in Vedic times. Our generations could not explore much from our cultural belongings,” Thakur narrated.
He presented a clear distinction between India and rest of the developed world where theatre is full-fledged industry and lists the top priorities of the Government sectors. India despite having living history of performing traditions of thousands of years and immense diversity has not been able to create thrust for its cultural products globally.
Being the Director of Swami Vivekananda Cultural Center in Johannesburg South Africa, he mounted a record number of over one hundred international cultural events with the motive of demonstrating India’s vibrant cultural strengths. He hoped to continue the mission to change world narrative about Indian arts and traditional wisdom.
He also spoke at length about the theatre of J&K and role of Natrang Jammu in bringing a new cultural renaissance in this troubled region.