BCCI to take final call on Deccan Chargers today

CHENNAI, Sept 14:
The BCCI’s top brass will be engaged in a series of meetings here tomorrow to take a final call on the future of the cash-strapped IPL team Deccan Chargers and also seek to make a couple of important amendments to its constitution.
As many as four meetings — Special General Meeting, IPL Governing Council, Working Committee and Marketing Committee — are scheduled for tomorrow during which amendments for a new rotational policy for the election of president and relaxation of the term of office-bearers could be passed.
Both the amendments, if passed by three-fourth majority, would have long term implications in the functioning of the Board and could pave the way for a fresh innings for many of its stalwarts who have completed their terms.
Apart from these amendments, the issue of Deccan Chargers will be the main agenda of the Working Committee meeting which has to find a way to resolve the financial crisis surrounding the beleaguered franchise.
The Deccan Chargers’ had surprisingly rejected the lone bid they received at the auction yesterday, throwing the future of the franchise into uncertainty.
Deccan Chronicle Holdings, the owner of Deccan Chargers, received a bid of Rs 900 crore from PVP Ventures Limited, a Hyderabad-based company engaged in urban infrastructure and financing movies, but chose to reject it as it considered the price and terms unacceptable.
The development brought the BCCI back into the picture and there are strong indications that the contract of Deccan Chargers could be terminated, unless the franchise resolves its financial problems by the 5pm deadline tomorrow.(PTI)