Bhagwat to address KPs on April 3, SSK to hold 3-day Navreh

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Mar 23: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Sarsangchalak (chief), Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat will virtually address the Global Kashmiri Hindu community on second of Navreh (Navratra) falling on April 2 this year. This was stated by Dwarikanath, secretary Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra Anand Nagar Bohri along with Maharaj Krishan Bhat, its office bearer and M K Bharat, incharge Navreh Festival celebrations while talking to reporters here, today. They said continuing the tradition of annual Navreh celebrations this year too, … Continue reading Bhagwat to address KPs on April 3, SSK to hold 3-day Navreh