NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday expressed confidence that the BJP will return to power with “absolute majority” after the April-May Lok Sabha election, saying the people have made up their mind to ensure victory of the National Democratic Alliance in 300-plus seats.
He also said that people have already decided in favour of the BJP and are, therefore, not searching for a “competing face”.
In an interview to ‘Republic Bharat’ news channel, he also said the timing of the launch of the anti-satellite missile was based on “open space” available to carry out the test.
“Call it an adventure or an initiative, they don’t happen suddenly. You need to tell the global community that you want space at a particular time in (outer) space to ensure there is no space traffic or collision, you need to ask for an open space, you need to fix that space. It is a long process,” he explained.
Modi rejected suggestions that the index of opposition unity is high as compared to 2014. (AGENCIES)