Board meetings

The overall welfare of the people of the State remains the main concern of any dispensation and the present dispensation is no exception. In order that the benefits of welfare schemes and measures may percolate to every man, the authorities choose districts as the main units of development and improvement in every field whether it is education, medical, PHE, Social Welfare, PWD road connectivity, tourism, old age pension and other allied fields. Every Board meeting is chaired by a  Minister. All the heads of the departments of a district participate in the deliberations under the overall control of DDC. The people are represented by the concern MLAs. It is in these meetings that the funds are allotted to each head as per needs produced by the concerned departments. Priorities are fixed and instructions for expediting the targets are issued. The sooner such meetings are held, the better it is because sufficient time should be there to complete various works keeping the inclement weather in view. The heads of the various departments put forth their demands as per needs of these areas keeping in view public interests. It is urged in the meetings that all the works should be completed within specific time limit otherwise the funds allotted may get lapsed causing a great loss  to the public and the holding of such meetings will serve no purpose. All the twenty districts of the state hold such meetings except Ladakh where there is LHDC on the whole, the holding of such meetings is of paramount importance because it is only in such meetings that the needs of a particular area are taken into consideration and the work done monitored by the concerned heads.
Yours etc….
Dwarika Nath Raina
Upper Muthi, Jammu