Board of Professional Entrance Examination has created deep concern among students and parents by cancelling all the four papers. Why not order an enquiry into the entire matter. It is a serious matter and postponement of all examination is not the right answer. The Board must reach the roots of unwanted incident because the career of thousands of our youth aspiring to choose a profession is involved. Intriguing is the decision of the Board to cancel the date sheet of all the papers in CET on the mere suspicion of leakage of one paper. There have been instances of this kind with examining bodies but one rarely finds authorities canceling all the entire schedule of CET in all the four papers. Well, the Board authorities may have their way, but definitely there is rot somewhere in the system which needs to be stamped out.
For some years in the past, complaints of leakage of crucial papers for professional and non-professional examinations have been coming in. Unofficially observers have been cautioning civil society of the dangers of this growing disease. As such, we would like to suggest to the State to focus attention on a mechanism that has the potential of busting subversive activities and making secrecy of question papers in crucial examinations fully secured against leakage. A new mechanism has to be devised.