BPL Cricket Championship to commence soon

* 1020 players participate in bidding

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Feb 10: The bidding of players for Burzhama Premier League (BPL) season-4 was held here today in which about 1020 players participated through online and offline auction, including the players from adjoining States viz Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana.
Syed Hanief Balkh, Add. Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar was the chief guest on the occasion.
Syed Hanief, while speaking on the occasion, lauded the efforts of the BPL Organizing Committee, especiay Muzaffer Dar chairman, BPL for conducting such sports events in Srinagar district and hoped for keeping it up in future with same passion.
Urging upon the budding players, who were present on the occasion, to play their part in forming a civilized society, he said that a good society can form a good nation. Lamenting on the alarming situation aroused due to drugs being used by youth, the ADC said that the role of youth becomes more important in checking this menace.
He said sports teaches us the leadership quality and asked participants to inculcate the manners of oneness and unity among themselves. Advising participants to learn the good manners and respect elders, especially the parents, he said this will go a long way in shaping a good society.
Syed Hanief said that Govt has already taken several initiatives for promotion of sports activities in Srinagar district by way of creating related infrastructure and assured every possible help to the organizers from the Govt for the promotion of sports activities in Srinagar district.
Muzaffar Dar, chairman BPL informed that the championship is likely to commence from May this year and all arrangements have been made for making the event a success.
DDI, PR Kashmir, M. Aslam Khan, Peer Bilal and Dr G M Rather Social Activists were among others present on the occasion.