Callous approach towards Gharana Wetland

I had been to Gharana Wetland R S Pura yesterday. The moment I reached there, the first thing which caught my attention was a concrete mixture running to prepare mortar for building a drain 20-30 feet away from bank of Wetland. The noise produced by mixture running on a diesel engine, was keeping the birds away towards a maximum distance, they can.
Even a human being, like me who is used to live among such running and noise producing machines was disturbed. What about these birds who lives in serene atmosphere only.
I observed the strength of birds was far less which I saw last year.
The period of stay of migratory birds in Gharana is 2-3 months only, and the authorities concerned have a time of 8-9 months to do any construction activity there, meant to save this Wetland. Would not the construction activity during birds stay, hampers their visit in next winter. Will it not change their behaviour. Is this not an act of contributing towards already dying Wetland. What are authorities for ?
I would like to draw the attention of authorities concerned towards this callous approach and take remedial measures.
Vikram Dhir Singh

Blacktop Devika temple road
This is to draw the attention of the District Administration Udhampur towards the dilapidated condition of the road leading to historical Devika temple. This road connects important places enroute like graveyard, Sai temple, Ram temple, Mangu Ki Bawle, Government Degree College etc. As the road is in bad condition, people using this road suffer a lot. The situation worsens a lot during rainy days. The puddles all along the road cause immense inconvenience to people, and cause wear and tear of vehicles.
The matter had been raised earlier also, but no step has been taken to blacktop it. It is urged to the district authorities to get it repaired at the earliest.
K Kumar

Instal street lights in Swarn Vihar
This is to draw the attention of the concerned authorities in JMC, Jammu and the Corporator that street lights in sector-I , Lane No. II and in sector 2, Lane 4, Pole Nos 998,999 and 1000 are not functioning for the last two months. Without these light, residents of the lanes face some inconvenience.
It is requested that these street light be replaced by new ones at the earliest.
Vinod Kumar
Swarn Vihar

Streamline traffic in Bhadarwah
The Bhadarwah Administration is once again urged to get traffic streamlined in Bhadarwah town. The traffic congestion in this beautiful town has become a perennial problem with no solution in sight. The chaotic traffic has made the life of people here quite miserable.
People are witness to traffic snarls which at times prolong for a pretty long time causing great inconvenience to commuters as well to motorists.
The drivers too are seen fighting with one another over overtaking etc.
As the number of vehicles is on the rise so is the number of road accidents and fighting incidents. Besides, one can see people parking their vehicles in lanes and bylanes leaving little space for pedestrian movement.
There is urgent need to address this problem for the sake of residents living here. The administration must deploy more traffic police personnel in the town to manage the traffic.
Nazir Ahmed

Repair link road Bhoond
Sheetal Nagar alias Bhoond is a revenue block of Basohli and it falls half way Basohli Bani route. The local Hr. Sec. School is located at about one km. distance from the town. The approach road to the school shared by the hundreds of students coming from the hilly terrains is totally in the dilapidated condition. It is full of pot holes and the entire link road is muddy and slippery where many students especially the school going children slip sustaining injuries. The link road falls under the Panchayat but neither the sarpanches nor the panches or the administration pays any heed toward the condition of the road. Many times it becomes difficult to carry the material needed for the development of the school. The School being situated on the outskirts of the village Sheetal Nagar has no other easy approach. The Administration is, therefore, requested to pay attention to the road which is used by the students especially the children.
Shiv Kumar Padha