Callous waywardness

Some public institutions are of vital importance to society. The Government in a democratic country is over-cautious in maintaining and regularly upgrading the services and facilities which these institutions are supposed to provide. Health care is one of such institutions that have to be taken special care. Keeping in mind the history and contours of Indian society, our think-tanks have very rightly underlined the importance of maintaining high standard of medical support to the Indian civil society. Government hospitals, polyclinics, clinics and the enormous structure of Health Services that we find in all federating states are actually the fulfillment of that commitment.
State Health Department in general and premier hospitals in the State in particular are charged with heavy responsibility of providing medical support to the civil society. It is a matter of regret if the civil society feels unhappy with the way things are handled at the level of the department or the hospital. Just establishing a hospital does not mean the end of the game; in fact it is the beginning of the game. Every parental group wants its new born baby to be taken care of by the best doctors and nurses available. They are not asking for the moon. It is their right and the state promises them fulfillment of their right.
But the situation on the ground is different. What justification is there for the SMGS Hospital Jammu for not utilizing an amount of 3.18 crore rupees sanctioned under National Rural Health Mission and 13th Finance Commission award, for the financial year 2012-13. Funds were allocated for up-gradation of facilities and equipment for further reducing Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) due to the apathy on the part of those at the helm of affairs in this institution. Unutilized funds provided by the Central Government lapse and cannot be claimed for the second time unless revalidation which is a lengthy and tortuous process. Funds were provided for procurement of equipment for strengthening of Pediatrics Department at SMGS Hospital, Jammu.
Out of Rs 2 crore, an amount of Rs 60 lakh was kept for renovation of civil and mechanical works and Rs 129.50 lakh for equipment and the Principal was conveyed explicitly that Grant-in-Aid must be incurred during the current financial (2012-13) as per the decision taken by the State Health Society. However, no focus was laid on procurement of equipment, which otherwise was imperative for strengthening of Pediatrics Department particularly the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), where new born babies are kept in case of need for medical support. Again, under the 13th Finance Commission award, an amount of Rs 3 crore was released to the SMGS Hospital Jammu for utilization during the financial year 2014-15 as per the specified details. The amount was earmarked for up-gradation of machinery and equipment in NICU and strengthening of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sections of SMGS Hospital Jammu.
This shows that concerned authorities have allowed callous waywardness to overtake their sense of responsibility to the people.  What baffles one is that on the one hand we are demanding highly proficient staff and special medical institutions as our right but on the other hand when money and direction both are made available, our responsible functionaries in the hospital or in the Health Department are unable to utilize the funds and provide efficient medical support to the tax payer.  Principal of Government Medical College has conceded that an amount of 3.38 crore rupees could not be utilized and has been withdrawn by the Government. However, he has not disclosed the reasons why it could not be utilized. If the state administration believes in transparency in public affairs, the Principal should have no hesitation in coming out with the reasons for loss to the people incurred through the apathy or irresponsibility of hospital authorities. The people have a right to know the reason. This become more cogent when we find that the Government Hospital authorities in Srinagar have been able to utilize their grant-in-aid allocations to the full while as Jammu has had to suffer the loss.
We often hear complaints of discrimination against Jammu Province. The noise of discrimination is so loud that we have almost become used to it and are no more provoked. But in the light of what has been said above, we find that it is we and no one else who is subjecting Jammu region to discrimination. Funds are obtained after great persuasion. Needs are rising and people want more facilities. But our mandarins are all out to play with the sentiments of the people and continue with their callous waywardness. It is unjustifiable and unacceptable. Higher authorities in the Health Department have a duty to conduct a probe into this callous waywardness and see to it that rot is stemmed so that it is not repeated in future.