CGA to award scholarships to junior golfers

Chandigarh, July 20:
The Chandigarh Golf Association (CGA)has decided to provide scholarships to below 18 years (boys and girls) junior golfers based on the Indian Golf Union rankings of the previous year.
Announcing this here today, CGA president CSR Reddy said the scholarship amount will range from Rs 25,000 to 1 lakh.
The qualified junior golfers ranking first in A, B, C and D categories will be awarded scholarship of Rs one lakh and second IGU ranked players will get Rs 75,000 each. Those ranked third and fourth will receive Rs 50,000 and Rs 25,000, respectively.
All Junior Golfers below of 18 years (Boys and Girls) who qualify for the scholarship will always display CGA Juniors logo on T Shirts while playing on a golf competition and getting training at the National and Inter-national level in India and abroad.
Mr Reddy said told reporters that a press release will bring out the salient features and achievements of the CGA Juniors programme.
The CGA has also launched the “CGA Juniors” programme with aim to support junior golfers from the tricity comprising Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula. (UNI)