Check Sex Ratio imbalances

A study published in the journal PLOS ONE project sex ratio at birth (SRB) in the largest 29 Indian states and Union Territories which covered 98.4% of the population of India as of the year 2011 and has given these facts about the peculiar mindset at work towards the birth of the female children. Preference for son, it may be reiterated, still rules the hearts of the most of the sections of the population which is bound to create grave social and cultural problems. The study must be made in respect of the educated classes, if the one not made by the journal about the approach to the entire scenario by the educated class, the findings shall be surprising. Educated and the elite are more conservative than the less illiterate and the moderate to poor sections in having a preference to a male child. How much difference has been made and felt as a result of banning in 1999, prenatal sex determining tests and sex selective abortions in India, is worth probing into.
Higher deficit in the birth of girls has ramifications of wider dimensions in that social problems as also those related to crime were bound to occur. On the one hand, while efforts from the Government agencies and many social and religious organisations clamour for the need to make the gap between the two sexes get shorter by improving upon the unwarranted imbalance in the girls and boys birth ratio, such abortions were bound to neutralise such efforts.