City under stress

One of the reasons of Jammu city being ranked as one of the dirtiest cities of the country is that elections for urban bodies have not been conducted so far by the Government. There were reports in the beginning of this year that elections for urban bodies would be held. But nothing like that happened. There is no possibility of holding the same in the near future as well given the complex  political scenario prevailing in the State.
The State loses central assistance on account of not holding urban bodies’ election. The Government must create conditions for holding the same without losing further time. The city is under severe strain due to migration of people from rural areas, and rush of pilgrims and tourists. This strain intensifies further when Amarnath Yatra begins.
The Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) seems unable to cope with strain owing to lack of sufficient resources with it. It is  not in a position to generate sufficient funds for meeting its needs, it depends for Government funds which it does not get in proportion to its requirement.
Yours etc….
Ranbir Mahajan