CM addresses Police Commemoration Day

CM addresses Police Commemoration Day
CM addresses Police Commemoration Day

‘Give peace a chance, I will facilitate talks; Pakistan’s cooperation imperative for peaceful resolution of issues;   Misadvised youth need be treated with compassion’

ZEWAN (SRINAGAR): Stating that the complex challenges confronting Jammu and Kashmir can be resolved only through dialogue, Chief Minister, Ms Mehbooba Mufti today called for creating a congenial atmosphere within the State and the region for the peaceful resolution of the issues.

“Whosoever is ready to reject the violence and help in restoring peace should be engaged in dialogue to end the uncertainties plaguing Jammu and Kashmir for the past six decades,” the Chief Minister said while addressing the Police Commemoration Day function at Armed Police Complex here today.

Chairman Legislative Council, Haji Anayat Ali, Deputy Chairman Legislative Council, Minister for Agriculture Production, Ghulam Nabi Lone, Minister for Cooperatives and Ladakh Affairs, Chering Dorjay, Minister for Animal, Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries, Abdul Ghani Kohli, Minister of State for Hajj & Auqaf (Independent charge), Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi, Minister of State for Forest, Ecology and Environment, Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Cooperative and Fisheries, Zahoor Ahmad Mir, MLAs and MLCs were present on the occasion.

Maintaining that Jammu and Kashmir is confronted with various complex issues which sets it apart from simple law and order situation, Ms Mehbooba said;  “Mufti Mohammad Sayeed joined hands with BJP to form a Government in the State not for the sake of power, but with the larger objective of resolving the political, economic and developmental issues concerning J&K and that is why it has been made clear in PDP-BJP Agenda of Alliance that the Government of India should start a dialogue process with all shades of political opinion in J&K, including the separatists. She said peace is imperative to implement the roadmap laid down in the ‘Agenda of Alliance’, which would be taken to the logical conclusion through tangible initiatives at the political, economic and administrative fronts.

Referring to the visit of the All Party Delegation, the Chief Minister said that the separatists seem to have missed the opportunity at starting a dialogue process, by spurning the parleys and not facilitating the solution.

“Give peace a chance and I will again plead with the leadership in New Delhi to talk to all shades of the political opinion in J&K, including the separatists, to end the decades’ old uncertainty in the region which has brought immense miseries to the people of my State,” she said and added, a conducive environment, however, has to be created for the peace and resolution process to take shape, as talks can’t be held at gunpoint.

Ms Mehbooba said Pakistan’s cooperation in maintaining peace in Jammu and Kashmir is also necessary. “Even Pakistan has to help us as we both have to live together. Pakistan must understand we are neighbors and Indians, Pakistanis are the same people,” she said and added that it is heartening to note that despite prevailing charged atmosphere in the region the peace bus on Srinagar-Muzaffarabad road and the cross-LoC trade through Salamabad and Wagah continues to flourish.

Highlighting the importance of better relations between India and Pakistan, the Chief Minister said that any strain in their relations directly influences the situation in Jammu & Kashmir.

While quoting former Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee’s statement “friends can be changed but not neighbors”, the Chief Minister said that uncertainty and violence on borders impacts the local population most and derails the government’s efforts for ushering in a new era of development in the state.

Referring to the internal and external peace process initiated by the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Chief Minister said that today again with a robust mandate on his back, the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi has the opportunity to resolve the Kashmir issue in the interest of the peace and stability of the State and the region. She urged Pakistan to reciprocate with open mind and in good faith the peace initiatives.

Reiterating the commitment of her government for the betterment of the state, the Chief Minister said that the government shall work towards revoking AFSPA in a phase wise manner albeit once peace is fully restored in the state.

Urging the police and the security forces to hand-hold the misadvised youth who have joined militancy or are indulging in violence, with compassion, the Chief Minister said that such youth should be a given a chance to return to their families and live normal lives.  “They can be also provided counseling on how to make a new beginning in their lives,” she said and added these are all our children who have been misguided and have fallen prey to the unfortunate circumstances and need more of parenting rather than policing.

Referring to complaints of disproportionate use of force by the police and security forces during the past few months, the Chief Minister that all such incidents of wrong-doing will be inquired and investigated to ascertain the facts following which action as warranted shall be taken. She said there were “instances where we made mistakes and which should not have happened” and cited cases like death of Junaid in Safakadal and a lecturer in Khrew area of Pulwama and an ATM Guard in Chattabal area.

Ms Mehbooba said her government wants to ban the use of pellet guns as a crowd control measure and sought cooperation of police saying they should “tolerate” and refrain from using such weapons as the protests will not continue forever.

“If there is an injury on you, but if we save a youth’s eyes or arms from pellet guns, then I think it will be your biggest sacrifice. Because this (protests) will not continue forever, it is temporary. But I need your cooperation,” she said.

While expressing deep anguish over the loss of civilian lives and injuries during the past three months, the Chief Minister said that the police and the security forces have been also facing challenging situation amid unrest. “The police and the security forces continue to face challenges in J&K and especially the last three months have been extremely challenging for them,” she said.

Maintaining that while every section of the society has suffered immensely because of the situation obtaining in Kashmir since July 8 this year, the Chief Minister said the schooling, transport and businesses have been worst affected by the turmoil and it is time to give people a chance to resume normal life as they are in immense distress and feel suffocated. “The Government would try to provide whatever support is possible to the worst affected sections of the society,” she said.

Paying rich tributes to the martyred police personnel, the Chief Minister said the state will always remember their sacrifices rendered for upholding the law, safety and security of the people.

“I salute our martyrs and their families for sacrificing in the line of duty and pray for their eternal peace”, she said.

The Chief Minister said that she is proud of the state police and wants it to be one of the elitist and the best in the country. She also made certain announcements on the occasion like increase in selection grade quota from 25% to 50%, KPS cadre review and career progression on lines of KAS and correction in pay anomalies.

Immediately upon her arrival, a Roll of Honour was presented in memory of those policemen who died in the past one year. She also laid floral wreath at the Martyrs’ Memorial.

Earlier, DGP, K Rajendra Kumar read out the names of police personnel across the country, including the ones from J&K Police and from CRPF and BSF, who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty in the past one year.

The DGP also highlighted various welfare schemes run by J&K Police that provide financial assistance to the families of martyred police personnel, in particular towards their rehabilitation and education of children.

Also present to pay homage were Chief Secretary B R Sharma, Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to CM, B B Vyas, DGP Law and Order, S P Vaid and other senior police officers including ADGPs, IGPs, DIGs and SSPs of J&K Police and the Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar.