Coach Virender honours student Shubam

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

SAI coach Virender Sharma presenting memento and bouquet to Shubam Khajuria during a felicitation function attended by a large number of budding cricketers in Jammu. —Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, July 16: Sports Authority of India (SAI) coach, Virender Sharma, who happens to be the coach of talented young cricketer Shubam Khajuria, honoured his student for sealing berth in the Indian Under-19 cricket team to tour Sri Lanka.
The promising opener was felicitated in an impressive function attended by a large number of budding cricketers and the members of cricket fraternity at GGM Science College Hostel Ground, here today.
Shubam was honoured with a glittering memento and a fascinating bouquet by his coach as a token of gratitude.
The coach was all praise for his student and he along with his companions wished him best of luck for the forthcoming International tour.
Meanwhile, Shubam while talking to EXCELSIOR on the sidelines of the function said that he is working on the physical and mental aspect of the game, before leaving to Chennai on July 19 and Sri Lanka on July 20, 2013.
Prominent among others present on the occasion were coach Rupali Salathia and Sanjeev Singh Ishar.
Meanwhile, Shubam was felicitated by Chander Parkash Ganga, State BJP senior vice-president in a separate function at Sarore here today.
The young cricketer was accorded a warm welcome on his arrival by all the office bearers of BJP, district Samba.
Chander Parkash gave a cash prize of Rs 11,000 to Shubam along with a memento.
Speaking on the occasion, Ganga said the selection of Shubam Khajuria in India Under-19 Team has not only brought laurels to the State but also enthused a new hope among the Jammu youth that with hard-work they can achieve wonders.


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