Crime against women

Civil society has learnt with great dismay that crime in our State against women and children is showing upward trend when statistics of the years 2013-2015 are taken into account. This is a sad commentary on social structure of our society.
It is true that owing to Government’s pro-women policies, education among women has spread out fairly well in the State. We have women colleges, schools and professional institutes. Women are given scholarships to continue their formal as well as technical education at home and in other states of the country. The result is that the percentage of literacy among the women of the State has increased. Also many institutes have been opened where various skills are imparted to the women. Thus the positive approach of the Government is laudable.
We have religious freedom in our country and State. Religious leaders are free to teach and propagate the moral teachings that form the corpus of moral code of every religion. But unfortunately, religious institutions in our society are not proving effective enough to mould public morals in a way that is approved by rational, humanistic and progressive society. The painful aspect of this issue is that by and large, those convicted of crime against women in one way or the other, generally escape unhurt by the law. When these convicts are able to escape scot free without been given corrective punishment, they simply feel emboldened to commit more crimes and atrocities. Therefore, while we are discussing the crime against women, it is important that we divert our attention towards the efficacy of our judicial system to handle the cases of crime against women in a befitting and exemplary manner. We want to know whether our laws governing cases of crimes against women are weak, imbecile and redundant. If these are so why are not change them and replace them by more progressive and forward looking laws? And if these are not redundant, why are not these applied in letter and spirit so that their impact becomes palpable among the civil society. Crime against woman is a symptom of abject backwardness of a society. We abhor it and we demand that the Government must do whatever it can to remove this stigma from the history of our society. Exemplary punishment has to be given to the defaulters and the prestige of law and the respect of womanhood have to be ensured. We appreciate that the Government has opened six women police stations across the State and this should help victimized women to get their complaints registered with the police for necessary action and report to higher authorities.
Similarly, abuse of the right of children is an equally culpable crime. These entire acts amount to abuse of the rights of children and the law must come into action.