CS takes stock of rescue, relief operations in Baramulla, Bandipora

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Sept 13: Chief Secretary, Iqbal Khandey today conducted an extensive tour of Baramulla and Bandipora districts to take stock of rescue and relief operations.
Taking stock of the flood situation besides rescue and relief operations in the twin districts, the Chief Secretary asserted on coordinated efforts to ensure restoration of essential services and public utilities on fast track basis. He asked the DGs to continue to monitor the relief measures and mitigate the sufferings of the affected people to some extent.
Deputy Commissioner, Baramulla, Farooq Ahmed Lone apprised the Chief Secretary of the rescue and relief measures being taken in the district. He informed that about 80 villages were badly affected in the floods. About 50 relief camps have been established wherein 4000 people were provided ration besides blankets. More than 30 water tankers have been deployed to provide safe drinking water and 2500 chlorine tablets and 15000 ORS packets have also been distributed.
As far as the flood situation is concerned, the DC informed that the water level is stagnant in Baramulla and Sopore areas. He however reported about the shortage of petrol, diesel and LPG. About 1.5 lakh sand bags have been utilized for flood protection and 30 boats have also been pressed into service, he added.
He apprised that the Gulmarg road is through for traffic while the NS bridge to Uri is open for light traffic. He said regular advisories are being issued on local channels to keep the people informed on the latest flood situation.
Deputy Commissioner, Bandipora apprised the Chief Secretary of the relief operations being undertaken in the district. He said 53 villages were submerged and about 2 lakh people have been dislocated. Nearly 71 relief camps have been established of which district administration is providing ration in 69 relief camps. About 40000 people are being looked after in these relief camps. He informed that the hospitals in Sumbal and Bandipora are functional and doctors are also conducting field visits to monitor any outbreak of epidemic. He apprised about the shortage of diesel, petrol, essential medicines and food stock in the district.