Custom of leaving cricketers in lurch continues in JKCA

Rajesh Dhar
JAMMU, Aug 24: Despite having the distinction of producing international stuff in the shape of Rasools, Khajurias and Chauhans, the custom of leaving players in the lurch still persists in the scheme of things in Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA), the elitist cricketing body in the State.
With the season insight and the schedule of the matches of various age groups including prestigious Ranji Trophy to be organized under the banner of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) just a month away, one observes hardly any exercise with regard to holding trials or camps for selecting probables, not to talk of organizing quality matches for the cricketers at home, before showcasing their skill at the higher levels.
The cricketers, as usual have been left in the lurch as they are confused as to which is the legal body of the Association and to whom to approach, because the two factions- Dr Abdullah faction and Mr Ansari faction are at logger heads against each other and at the same time leaving no stone unturned to reign the kingdom.
Though, the time is not ripe to comment on as to which of the groups is a legal one as the matter lies in the Court of law, yet one gets a feeling that the battle is for power and pelf only and the administrators of cricket in the State are hardly concerned about the future of the players.
How unfortunate is it that when the organizers of cricket in the State should have been busy in picking the probables for the State teams, they are busy in the battles in Courts.
“Hell! With the way cricket is being run in the State. Politics is polluting the cricketing atmosphere in Jammu and Kashmir. Hardly anybody is thinking in terms of promoting cricket and cricketers. Everybody is waiting in the wings to grab power. Though, the fight for grabbing power is part and parcel of the Associations, but it should be done in the off season and not at the cost of the players. I am at my wits end to understand as to what sin the players have committed to be left in the lurch. Our cricket administrators should take a leaf from the book of cricket administrators of other States, who have produced a galaxy of international cricketers and developed lots of stadia in their States. We should focus on developing cricket academies rather than being hell-bent upon  knocking each others heads off,” said Parvez Rasool, International cricketer and skipper, J&K Ranji Trophy team, when asked to comment on present scenario of cricket in the State.
Talking to EXCELSIOR, former Test Cricketer and J&K Ranji Trophy coach, Sunil Joshi said that this was the stage to focus on the skill part of the game and play big tournaments being organized all over India, as preparation for the State cricketers for the forthcoming BCCI Tournaments, adding that J&K cricket administrators never believe in the mantra of ‘Mind Your Own Business’ rather, in Jammu and Kashmir, administrators become advocates, coaches become managers and so on.
Now, the question arises as to what is the fault of the players, who are being invited for the trials or camps by both the factions and are in a fix as to which faction is the legal one.
Is it the time for BCCI to intervene or the Court to pass some orders to make an early solution or the time for hoping noble sense prevails among the members?
Expecting miracles in the present scenario is simply to cry for the moon rather to flog a dead horse.