Darbar Move

The long old tradition of Darbar Move in the State is unique in the country. The State has two capitals, Srinagar in Kashmir and Jammu in winter. The Civil Secretariat works in Summer Capital Srinagar for six months and for six months in Winter Capital Jammu. The move exercise involves huge amount of the State exchequer and is an additional burden for the this poor State. Darbar move exercise parlyses official business at least for twenty days that is injustice for the people. Lack of accommodation for the move employees which has been time ad again voiced since long is another grievance of the Secretariat employees. People in general face difficulties in mitigating their grievances in Darbar Move exercise. In winter, National Highway gets blocked for days together due to snowfall and landslides on the road. This adds fuel to the fire because movement of the people gets suspended. The work culture particularly in schools of Kashmir does not keep pace with Jammu as such schooling for move employees children in either capitals gets shattered. The Darbar Move exercise may carry some positive results that cannot be ruled out but keeping in view the economy of the State, some viable solution has be worked out that can ease the problems of the people and lessen the burden on the States exchequer.
S N Raina