Debate, Cultural Programme organised

Excelsior Correspondent

Winners of debate competition posing for a photograph alongwith officials on Monday.

DODA, Oct 14: To create grass root awareness among the people especially student community regarding precautions and measures to deal with any natural or manmade disasters, District Information Centre, Doda today organized a debate competition on the topic “Disaster Management” in the premises of Himalyan Nehru Academy Middle School Pranoo, here.
Headmaster Government High School Pranoo, Gurdev Singh was the chief guest on the occasion, while Principal Himalayan Nehru Academy Middle School Pranoo, Satish Kumar and Numberdar Pranoo, Abdul Khalid were also present on the occasion.
13 students of different classes of the school participated in the Debate competition and impressed upon the need for formulation and strict implementation of State as well District Disaster Management Plan to minimize the loss of life and property during any such eventuality whether natural or manmade.
Muskan Naaz of 6th Class, Mohd Aamir of 5th Class and Tousib Hussain of 8th Class were adjudged as 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively in the Debate competition.
Later-on, the Artists and Poets of District Information Centre, Doda presented a colourful Cultural Programme and a Mushaira which was highly appreciated by the audience.
Artists presented songs in Bhaderwahi, Kashmiri, Urdu and Siraji which kept the audience spell bound. The poets recited their compositions in Urdu, Kashmiri and Bhaderwahi and exhibited the rich cultural and poetic diverse heritage of the region.
The prizes were distributed by the chief guest among the winners and consolation prizes among the participants of the debate competition on the occasion.