Defiance of SAC orders

Despite censure by the CAG and clear orders of the State Accountability Commission the administration has taken no meaningful action for cancelling multiple accommodations allotted to 62 MLAs/MLCs of the State Legislature. The CAG found that these law makers were occupying double accommodation meaning the official bungalow and the accommodation in MLA hostel, and thus inflicting heavy loss in the shape of rent which the Government has to pay for their accommodation. SAC had written to the Chief Secretary about the matter and impressed upon him to get the additional accommodation vacated and thus save crores of rupees of the tax payers’ money. But regrettably there seems no action by the Chief Secretary in this behalf. It is a matter of appeasement of the law makers who have not been honest in disclosing that they are in occupation of double accommodation. If the law makers become law breakers, what will be the fate of the State? The elected representatives of the people are expected to be motivated by deep sense of renunciation of personal comforts in the larger interests of the people at large. But here it seems in the case of these 62 law makers that they are concerned more about their comfort and luxurious life style. This is not acceptable and the people have the right to question their intentions.