Delay in Bill causing loss of religious properties :PNBMT

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 24: Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust (PNBMT) has expressed its disappointment at the Government for not passing the much talked about Kashmiri Hindu Shrines and Temples Bill in the just concluded session of the Legislative Assembly.
In its meeting here today to take stock of the recent developments regarding the passage of the Bill, the participants reminded the Government that the delay of every single day is resulting in huge loss of the religious properties both due to neglect as well as the land grabbers encroaching upon the shrine lands in Kashmir.
The meeting attended among others by Manmohan Thaplo, Dr A N Pandita, Chairman of the Trust , Dr R L Bhat, its Spokesperson, S L Koul, general secretary, M K Raina, Kashmiri Lal, Shibanji Saraf and Rajinderji its members warned the government that it would be responsible for the loss of the shrines and encroachment upon the properties if the envisaged Shrine Board not being formed.
The meeting expressed satisfaction at the presentation of the PNBM Trust delegation before the Select Committee and at having convinced the member legislators on the issues of the urgency of the passage of the Bill and the inclusion of all the shrines under the management Board as per the Bill. Dr R L Bhat informed the members that two other demands of the Trust delegation regarding the Shrine Bill had been accepted by the Select Committee: that the Bill should provide for Tehsil Prabandhak committees and that the deputation of inspector/surveyor should be on the recommendation of the Shrine Board.
PNBM TRUST presentation removed the confusion sought to be created with the Kashmiri-non Kashmiri Hindus and made it clear that all Hindus of Kashmir were equally eligible to be voters and members under the Bill, irrespective of caste and surname.